Responsiveness, regulation, and repair are at the forefront of the Lighten Up philosophy in an effort to help parents understand that staying calm all the time is not the end goal. Learning tools and strategies for regulating yourself back into a calm state when the inevitable chaos happens is. When we learn how to respond, regulate, & repair, we free ourselves and children to experience the full spectrum of expression.
An airtight 90 minute container for you to express all that you're navigating and coming up against so we can begin to untangle the challenges together. We can zoom in on one major topic or zoom out to address a handful of smaller topics.
Therapeutic parenting programs are a hand in hand journey with parents over a period of time to untangle and unpack deeply woven knots in order to restore connection with their child and a lighter state of being overall. Each program is uniquely tailored to each family based on their challenges, needs, and goals.
This 12 week deep dive is for families struggling with more extreme behaviors, also known as emotional projects. Emotional projects are chronic behaviors rooted in fear, that have been persistent for awhile. Typically, they are not quick fixes. This can look like extremely rigid, aggressive or high anxiety behaviors and more. Behaviors that are driven by fear take time to understand and unravel.
Parents will be supported over a longer period of time to diligently and compassionately unpack & process their particular situation. Together we will build a toolkit of resources and strategies to help resolve the unworkable behavior through a healing approach which will support optimal potential for you and your child.
A 6 week program for families coming up against a handful of common but challenging behaviors. We will dig into the behaviors as well as the root cause so you can restore a sense of harmony and connection in your home, daily life, and family dynamic at large.
Challenges may include: sleep challenges, food challenges, siblings dynamics, aggression, tantrums, night terrors, parenting from different pages, boundaries with other parents/family members, peer dynamics, bullying, exclusion, burn out in parents, building support for parents
Designed for a minumum of 6 parents, group classes bring together a community of parents to navigate the unique challenges they each face alongside one another. We'll spend 10 weeks meeting weekly to unpack your triggers and traumas as parents, build a robust toolbox of strategies for responding to varying behaviors, and practice the skills of regulating and repairing. Embarking on this in community creates a shared set of relatable experience, cultivates a sense of belonging, and helps parents feel held and supported in the process.
A free monthly support group for mothers to find connection in community and have a safe container to express their experience in. This is not a group for coaching. It is a listening circle where you are invited to share what you're navigating, experiencing, or feeling.
Building an intentional toolkit of practical and easily implementable strategies for addressing challenging behaviors, big emotions, and disconnection.
Learning effective and compassionate strategies for responding to behavior in ways that help your child feel more connected.
Understanding the emotions driving your child’s behavior and what they’re really trying to tell you.
Freeing parents from their own emotional burden by giving them space to be heard in the truth of their experience.